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Job Details

Maryville, IL
Part Time (40 Hours)


Job Summary

Responsible for the cleaning of the hospital and office complex.  Responsible for carrying out the instructions of the Director of Environmental Services.



Service and Quality Standards:


  1. Service

Is Customer Focused?

                Anticipates customer needs

                Adheres to customer service standards

Is Competent, caring and compassionate

                Treats coworkers and customers with dignity and respect

                Demonstrates competent, caring and compassionate behavior

                                To customers and coworkers

  1. People

Is conversation conscious?

                Assures confidentiality of patient and employee information

Is positive in interactions with others

Is courteous and respectful

                Promotes a harassment free environment

                Inspires the trust of others

Acts in accordance with hospital policies, meets the requirements of the Code of Conduct, and identifies any conflicts of interest.

  1. Quality

Is excellent in patient care and service

                Demonstrates multidisciplinary cooperation

                Assists in obtaining excellent satisfaction scores of feedback

Is safety conscious?

                Demonstrates safety consciousness and supports safety initiatives

Is involved with improvement efforts

                Supports performance improvement

                Seeks ways to improve systems and services

                Shows commitment to improvement efforts

                Meets mandatory educational requirements

  1. Growth

Is a loyal ambassador

                Demonstrates commitment to hospital mission and vision

Is active and involved

                Supports hospital initiatives

                Champions innovation and supports change

Is a positive role model

                Fosters team cooperation

  1. Finance

Is a good steward of hospital resources?

                Develops/uses efficient work methods

Is cost effective

                Conserves organizational resources


Job Responsibilities:


  1. Supervisory responsibilities including participating in the selection process for new Housekeeping employees, provides orientation and training for department personnel, documents new employee orientation within the 90 day probation period, participates in disciplinary actions involving Housekeeping employees, communicates verbal and written instructions to Housekeeping personnel, provides educational/training sessions for department personnel, conducts area inspections and documents the results as a measure of department quality assurance.
  2. Maintains carpeted areas, vacuums, extracts carpet, spot cleans carpet and dry chemical cleans carpets using appropriate chemicals and techniques.
  3. Cleans furnishings, including furniture, windows, walls, metal and glass.  Inspects cubicle curtains, lights.  Prepares discharged patient rooms for the next occupant.
  4. Maintains hard surface flooring.
  5. Collects trash, soiled linen, infectious waste and transports to appropriate collection points for pickup.
  6. Provides moving services, transporting furniture and equipment, and records.
  7. Demonstrates knowledge of safety procedures for Housekeeping tasks, Material Safety Data sheets, correctly dilute chemicals, and standard precautions
  8. Maintains an acceptable level of competency as measured by quality assurance inspections.
  9. Displays competency in actions during emergency situations.


Education Requirements and Other Requirements:

Ability to read and follow written and verbal instructions.

Ability to plan, direct, staff, control and evaluate the activities of the Housekeeping Department in conjunction with or in the absence of the Department Director.

Ability to inspect the work of others and counsel individuals when failure to meet standards occurs.


Working Conditions: Exposure Category I:

Tasks that involve exposure to blood, body, fluids, or tissues.  All procedures or other job-related tasks that involve an inherent potential for mucous membrane or skin contact with blood, body fluids, or tissues, or a potential for spills or splashes or then, are category I tasks use of appropriate protective measures is required for every employee engaged in category I tasks.





Physical Activity:

                                                                                                                NA          0-25%    26-75%     76-100%


Lift/Carry                                                                                                                                                               X

Push/Pull                                                                                                                                                               X

Reach Overhead                                                                                                                                                 X

Climb                                                                                                                                                                     X

Squat/Bend/Kneel                                                                                                                                               X

Sit                                                                                                                           X

Stand                                                                                                                                     X

Walk/Move About                                                                                                                                                X


The most significant duties have been included in this description.  Other duties may be assigned and the hospital has the right to modify this job description as needed to accurately reflect assigned duties.
