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Director of Campus Ministry

Job Details

Full Time
4 Year Degree
Up to 25%


Bear Catholic exists to form students to be a driving force for the salvation of souls and transformation of the world. Bear Catholic is a ministry of St. Peter Catholic Church which serves the students, faculty, and staff at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC) and Aims Community College.



The Director of Campus Ministry is responsible for the evangelization of students at the University of Northern Colorado and Aims Community College. The Director will accomplish this through the management of the Bear Catholic leadership team, consisting of St. Peter staff, FOCUS missionaries, and student representatives. He/she will cast and execute the mission of Bear Catholic and lead the team in unity of mission. The Director will ensure to prioritize team unity and collaboration among team members through healthy relationships, teamwork, and communication. The Director is responsible for coordinating Campus Ministry programming and outreach efforts that are student-focused, building personal relationships with students, providing formation for increasing missionary disciples on campus. He/she will work closely with the pastor and will oversee the work of FOCUS missionaries, Coordinator of Campus Ministry, and the Student Leadership Team.



Administrative Responsibilities

  • In cooperation with the Bear Catholic staff and FOCUS missionaries, oversee the development and implementation of the mission of Bear Catholic
  • Maintain the ministry playbook, set goals, and implement plans of actions to achieve said goals
  • Lead and facilitate Bear Catholic staff meetings, to include St. Peter staff and FOCUS missionaries
  • Recruit, select, supervise, and evaluate the Coordinator of Campus Ministry and student employee(s)
  • Meet regularly with the FOCUS Team Director to ensure proper communication and collaboration
  • Coordinate and facilitate effective communication between Bear Catholic and greater St. Peter parish staff
  • Serve as Liaison between the FOCUS team and St. Peter parish staff
  • Participate in weekly St. Peter staff meetings
  • Work to foster a connection between Bear Catholic and Parish members


Student Leadership & Formation

  • Provide spiritual guidance, promote faith, and foster community among students
  • Recruit and select students to serve as members of the Bear Catholic Leadership (BCL) team
  • Develop BCL by training and empowering them to further the mission of Bear Catholic and evangelize the student population
  • Provide formation to BCL for their personal, spiritual, and professional development
  • Support and offer accountability to student-led activities to ensure properly planned and executed programming
  • Design and develop full and systematic catechesis to students during their time with Bear Catholic
  • Coordinate all components of the upperclassmen ESTEEM program, which includes contacting speakers for monthly seminar, pairing mentors, and overseeing logistics of the annual Capstone Conference
  • Lead the aspects of the men’s Catholic household (pending)


Event Programming

  • Oversee all Bear Catholic events, assuring them to be in line with the mission and vision
  • Oversee and implement student outreach and evangelization, both in-person and through social media
  • Facilitate ministerial needs for the Sunday college Mass to include, hospitality, ushers, collection, lectors, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, and dinner following Mass
  • Coordinate men’s ministry in partnership with male student leadership
  • Assist students in executing the Beloved Women’s Retreat
  • Create opportunities for service and community engagement in Greeley and beyond



  • Interview and select leadership team for the annual Bear Awakening retreat
  • Advise during weekly Bear Awakening Leadership meetings
  • Plan and organize Spring Senior Retreat
  • Book venues for Bear Awakening and other retreats


Development Responsibilities

  • Assist Director of Development in fundraising opportunities, including Golf Tournament, parish appeals, and other donor events
  • Assist Director of Development in donor and parish engagement, including Adopt-a-Bear and Bears Give Back service event
  • In collaboration with Director of Development and Business Manager, prepare the annual budget and maintain accuracy of accounts
  • Provide ministry reports to Bear Catholic Advisory Board, Finance Council, and other interested parties on an as-needed basis


Other Assigned Responsibilities

  • Manage Bear Catholic’s forms of communication: website, Flocknote, Instagram, etc.
  • Build relationship with faculty and staff of UNC and Aims, other Christian campus organizations, and other Catholic Campus Ministries
  • Maintain the Catholic Campus Center as a hospitable and welcoming space
  • Serve as landlord and primary contact for persons renting at the campus house. Collect monthly rent from tenants.  Relay information to the appropriate parties (Director of Facilities or Business Manager) as needed






  • Practicing Catholic in full communion with the Church
  • Bachelor’s degree in Theology, Religious Studies, or related field
  • Minimum 1-year professional ministry experience OR 3 years volunteer ministry experience
  • Good written, oral, and interpersonal communication skills
  • Passionate and enthusiastic for Jesus and to serve His Body through campus ministry
  • Experience serving leadership and supervisor roles either professionally or voluntarily
  • Experience with event planning
  • Experience with marketing and publicity
  • Experience working with college students
  • Experience with FOCUS missionaries