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NEW RESTURANT ALERT: LOS ANGELES BAEKJEONG if you are applying for our new restaurant on 8th street please apply to the LOS ANGELES position.  

NUEVO RESTAURANTE ALERTA: LOS ANGELES BAEKJEONG si usted está solicitando para nuestro nuevo restaurante en la calle 8 por favor aplique a la posición de LOS ANGELES.  


Thank you for showing interest in this open position with Kijung Hospitality Group, Inc.

"Global restaurant visionary introducing authentic Korean flavors to the world."

We will be reviewing all applicants for the position within the next few weeks and will reach out to you if we believe your skills and capabilities are a good match for the position and we wish to pursue an interview.

Human Resources

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Join the Talent Community for KIJUNG HOSPITALITY GROUP INC!
    Can't find what you are looking for? Upload your resume and Join the Talent Community for KIJUNG HOSPITALITY GROUP INC!