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Welcome, New Applicant!

Thank you for your interest in Waterford Public Schools, one of the premier school districts in Connecticut. All employment opportunities are posted online, applications are submitted online and all applications are reviewed online. While vacancies may appear at any time throughout the year, the peak of the hiring season begins in spring and continues until all positions are filled. Job postings are updated daily. All certified positions require Connecticut certification or eligibility for certification.

Please start your application with Waterford Public Schools.

Please carefully review the following information regarding our online application process.

  • You are allowed to complete the application in several steps. You do not have to complete all the steps in a single session. You can complete them at different times, even on different days.
  • The application consists of multiple steps and will take you at least 30 minutes to complete, but you can stop at any time, without losing any work. You can return to complete your application at anytime.
  • Your application will be considered "in process" until you complete it. The school district will have the ability to view it, even if you do not complete it.
  • All fields marked with the red asterisks are required.
  • Please do not type in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.